Attendance and Punctuality
Every minute of every school day matters!
At Bentley St Paul's C of E Primary School, we believe that regular and punctual attendance at school, are key elements in promoting children’s learning and attainment. Only by regular attendance can children access the quality education that is offered at our school. We believe that regular attendance should be 96% or higher.
We are therefore, committed to the following principles: –
- To encourage all pupils to attend school and achieve their full potential.
- To promote good attendance throughout the school, aiming for at least 96% for the academic year
- To monitor attendance and punctuality rigorously
- To work in partnership with parents and carers in promoting excellent attendance and punctuality, as well as the LA and other agencies
At Bentley St Paul's our families have a range of different views regarding attendance. We track attendance of all our children and work with families and individuals where attendance has dipped or is below the 96%.
Leave of Absence
School term dates are always available from the school office or website. They are also available on the Essex County Council Website.
You should arrange family holidays during school holiday times. The school does not grant leave of absence for family holidays and parents are likely to face a penalty notice for taking children out of school during term time.
Persistent Absence
The Department for Education definition of “persistent absence” is any child whose attendance falls below 90%.
Any child whose attendance falls below 90% is classed as a persistent absentee and will be referred to the Education Welfare Officer. This may lead to a fine or even court action.
Why is it Important to be Punctual?
Being on time for school is so important. Lost minutes amount to lost learning. Also, being late means your child has an unsettled start to their day.
We are Here to Help
If you feel you need support with your child’s attendance or punctuality, please contact the school and ask to make an appointment to see the Head teacher.