Contact Details
Bentley St Paul's Church of England Primary School
Ashwells Road
CM15 9SE
Telephone: 01277 372295
General enquires can be made to the School secretary Mrs Louise Wood :
Head teacher - Mrs L Putt
Chair of Governors - Mrs H Smith-Pryor
Vice Chair of Govs - Mrs R Bere-Brown
From the Ongar Road (A128) turn into Ashwells Road and the school is immediately on the left. All visitors are asked to sign in at reception.
Unfortunately there is no visitors' parking in the school so please park in Ashwells Road. The school has a clearly marked 'drop and go' section of road just past the school, where visitors may park after 9.00 a.m. We request that no-one parks or waits in this area between 8.40 a.m. and 9.00 a.m. because it is a very busy area whilst school children are being dropped-off for their school day.
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