Spellings are once again based on the 'ough' spelling pattern. The usual sheets are available and there is a video of me taking you through a teaching presentation. I would recommend that you do a little bit of spellings every day rather than do it all in one big chunk.
Monday - Comprehension relating to Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Chapter 1.
Make sure you have either read chapter 1 or listened to me reading it (those videos are in last week's Percy Jackson section) before you answer the questions. You can refer back to text at any time.
There are three different levels of comprehension questions, choose which one is right for you.
Tuesday - Commas to avoid ambiguity part 1. There is a PowerPoint to support your learning as well as three different levels of work - again choose which one is right for you.
Wednesday - Commas to avoid ambiguity part 2. There is a PowerPoint, for this one too, to support your learning as well as three different levels of work - choose which one is right for you.
Thursday - Comprehension relating to Percy Jackson and Lightning Thief Chapter 2
Make sure you have either read chapter 2 or listened to me reading it (new style of video with me and the words on screen in the Percy Jackson section) before you answer the questions. You can refer back to the text at any time.
There are three different levels of comprehension questions, choose which one is right for you.
Friday - Independent writing. For this task I would like you to look back at Percy Jackson, chapter one. Specifically the part where Percy is explaining what has happened to him on previous school trips. I would like you to write a story about a disastrous school trip. You can use one of Percy's examples or make up your own one. I would like you to write in the first person (as if it is happening to you). Also, I would like you to include parenthesis and figurative language (think back to the writing you did to describe the setting and mood of when Romeo and his friends were walking through the streets of Verona). Perhaps you can even include some of this week's spelling words.