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Bentley St Paul's C of E

Primary School

Growing together in faith, love and trust, we will succeed.

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Week beginning 21/6/21

Another busy week! Please remember that there are senior school taster days this week.

Becket Keys Thursday 24th June / Shenfield Friday 25th June / St Martin's Thursday 24th & Friday 25th June.

Please be aware that you do not need to come to Bentley at all that day and you will have received details of where and when to drop off and collect from each of those schools - have lots of fun and enjoy the experience.

  • "A sweet friendship refreshes the soul." Proverbs 27:9
  • "forgive as the Lord forgave you." Colossians 3:13

  • "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you." Psalm 56:3

  • "The Lord blesses his people with peace." Psalm 29:11

  • Blessed are those who find wisdom, who gain understanding. Proverbs 3:13

  • So each of us will give an account of himself to God.Romans 14:12

  • Be Devoted to one another,honour one another above yourselves.Romans12:10

  • Be Devoted to one another,honour one another above yourselves.Romans 12:1
