Maths & English
Hi there!
I hope you enjoy this week's Maths and English. I have managed to record a few lessons for you, which I hope will help your learning. Look out for English ones on Monday and Wednesday and a Maths one on Tuesday. There is also a PowerPoint to help out with the Maths on Thursday!
As requested by Lainey, I have put a few questions as extra challenges on our maths this week from Classroom Secrets (the style of questions we usually do in class). I hope you have some fun with them and remember, the more you want to challenge yourself, the higher the set of questions you should start (1-4 / 5-8 / 9-12). Please don't confuse yourself though, just try and complete the level of questions we would have given you in class and if these come easily, try to extend yourself with the next set.
I hope this all makes sense and you have some fun learning this week!