Year 3
Spring Term 2025
Our Class Value is Peace.
“The Lord gives strength to his people, the Lord blesses his people with peace”
Pslam 29:11
Hello and welcome back to another fun and exciting term of learning at Bentley. I look forward to exploring all our new topics and learning new skills.
Please find all class information below.
If you have any questions please contact the office at and they will be forwarded onto me.
Autumn Term 2024
Our Class Value is Peace.
“The Lord gives strength to his people, the Lord blesses his people with peace”
Pslam 29:11
Welcome back to the new school year! I hope everyone had a lovely and exciting, but restful summer. I'm excited to get all of our new learning underway. All necessary information can be found under the 'Class Information' tab, and all SPAG/maths mats for #MyLearning can be found under the #MyLearning tab.
If you have any queries or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me on the class email (
From the year 3 team
Miss Shildrake, Mrs Harris and Mrs Nicholson
Summer Term 2024
Our Class Value is Peace.
“The Lord gives strength to his people, the Lord blesses his people with peace”
Pslam 29:11
Welcome back to Summer term. I hope you have enjoyed your Easter Break and were able to enjoy your time together.
I am excited to teach our new topic the term 'Emperors and Empires' where we explore the Roman civilisation and its impact on our lives today. Maths we have jumped further into fractions and the children are enjoying finding units fractions. English we are analysing animal poetry and we have written our own Frog Poem.
I wont give any more away as I know you enjoy being surprised when looking at their books.
Once again, if you have any questions or messages to relay, please feel free to contact myself and the Year 3 team at
Wishing you a great Summer Term,
Miss Laker, Mrs Dunne, Mrs Tatchell and Miss Parfitt x
Spring Term 2024
Our Class Value is Peace.
“The Lord gives strength to his people, the Lord blesses his people with peace”
Pslam 29:11
Welcome to Class 3!
Our Class Value is Peace.
“The Lord gives strength to his people, the Lord blesses his people with peace”
Pslam 29:11
Summer Term 2
Summer Term 1
Key Pages for Spring Term 
Spring Term 2
Spring Term 1
Key Pages for Autumn Term 
Autumn Term 2
Autumn Term 1
I really hope that you have a wonderful time this summer! However, if you are feeling at a loose end and want something to do a little something, below are some websites that you can try!
Week 14
Final Weeks Activities
Below are some activities for this final week of school. Please feel free to complete in any order you would like and if you want to send some of the transition work on to Mrs Dunning, I know she would love to see it!
Her e-mail is
I have also set some booster packs on MyMaths and there is always TTRockstars that you can use throughout the week if you'd like! I hope you have some fun!
Entry Into School.mp4

Week 13
Again this week, most of the details are on the weekly web. Hopefully you will find all you need here! I look forward to seeing you bright and early on Monday morning.
Week 12
This week, all the details are on the weekly web. There are a few changes so please do take a look at this so that it makes sense!
Week 11
Hi there and welcome to our first week of 'live' lessons! Hopefully you will have received an e-mail and password for your child for Office 365. This will get you onto our interactive site where at 9.15 I will be inviting you to join me for registration and the beginning of lessons! I will teach until 11.45 with 15 minutes break in the middle. I will be teaching English and Maths in the morning and introducing the foundation subject for afternoon learning, of which the files are below as normal. In the morning, our English and Maths will be interactive and in our group on Office 365. There will be the work for the children to use interactively and send back to me for comment.
Please don't worry if this doesn't work seamlessly the first time (I am fully anticipating a few hiccups!). However, I do hope that it will provide some support for you all and an opportunity for your little ones to ask questions if needs be.
All work is below as normal, so if you can't join us one morning, then you can download the work to catch up.
I am here if you have any queries though. I can't wait to see you all!
Week 10
I really hope you have a fantastic week of learning. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything and I can call you back. I can't wait to see all your gorgeous faces though on zoom this Tuesday and Wednesday, so until then, take care!
15 6 20 Intro.mp4

Week 9
I really hope you have a great week this week. Please do contact me if there is anything you need. There are a few new things this week from some PE inspiration on the 'Keep Essex Active' website to a new game Alice has recommended and which I love, called 'Guardians Mathematica' on the BBC Bitesize Website. (Details are below and in my Zoom Welcome.
I look forward to being in touch with zoom meeting detail e-mails at the beginning of the week and can't wait to see your lovely faces again.
Take care
Welcome 8 6 20.mp4

Week 8
I can't believe we are into week 8 of home-schooling, well done!
I have laid out below all the work you might need & hope that it is quite straight forward to find. There is extra Maths & English in same folder which I hope you find helpful if you run out of MyMaths or TTRockstars to do.
Music this week is not below, because hopefully you will have received the e-mail with your log in details which I hope will be straight forward to carry out.
I hope you have some fun with it this week.
Take care
Introduction Message 1 6 20.mp4

Week 7
18.5 20
Welcome to week 7 of homeschool learning! I hope that you have had a good weekend & trust that I have included everything you need to know here below! Do let your little ones get to know this web page too so they can enjoy the pictures of their work and hopefully become a little more independent in their learning too.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.
Take care
Monday 18 5 20 Introductory Chat.mp4

Week 6
Welcome to week 6 of home learning! I hope that below everything is self-explanatory. If you are in any doubt, have a look at the Weekly Web which will give you a quick overview of the week and our Daily Task sheet which gives you a short overview for each day - to try and make sure we're not giving you too much work! Please don't hesitate to contact me if you do have any queries.
Do please enjoy the Collective Worship file too, it would be great to see you signing The Lords Prayer and enjoying other worship that Mrs. Putt is leading too.
I hope to be in contact with the other half of the class this week and will be in touch about zoom meetings by e-mail.
Take care
Mrs Woodward
Week 5 4.5.20
Good morning and welcome to our home school learning. This week might seem a little shorter than normal, that's because we are going to be learning about and celebrating VE Day. There is a folder on the Class Pages specifically labeled VE Day, with loads of activities and ideas for you to enjoy investigating what this day is all about and why it is so important.
Work is set from Monday to Wednesday and you will see a slightly different format below. Maths and English are together in the same folder, with one file for each day. If there is a powerpoint to assist in this learning, this too is in that folder and labeled with the same date. There are a few optional extras sheets for maths and English some of which are themed around VE Day, but these are optional. Do please look to our spellings, topic, RE and science too. I am continuing to read the next couple of chapters of Charlie and The Chocolate factory too, (which I only hope you are loving as much as I am?!)
I hope you have a fantastic week and do please keep sending the photos of all your fantastic work to so that we can continue to decorate our class pages with your amazing work! I also can't wait to hear any more jokes you might have!!
Take care
Mrs Woodward
Good morning Year 3, welcome to Week 4! I trust you have had a lovely weekend in the sunshine and are all keeping safe?
As you will see there is a slightly different format to how we have given you information on the web site this week. If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to e-mail me between 9-3 pm and I hope to be able to help you. The Daily Task Sheet should hopefully point you in the right direction for all of the work and hopefully, within each section, the work will be dated for your ease of finding. Do please note the Joke of the Week section and International Dance Day on Wednesday, I can't wait to see your dance moves and hear your jokes!
Take care Love Mrs Woodward
St Georges Day
Hi Class 3,
Welcome back. Below you will find the weekly web which I have sent out via emails to your parents too. Then underneath that is this weeks resources.
For Maths there is a PDF for each day, the first page is an instruction page. You need to read this carefully as it tells you what to do. There are learning reminders to do which you will need an adult to help you with and then there are practice sheets - you can choose which level you want to do and for some days there is also challenge sheets at the end.
This is the same for English, follow the instructions and there are some PPT's to help you.
Our new topic is 'Rainforests' and there are two lesson in the resources section with an information PPT and there is also a science experiment to do.
I have put the resources in order of days to make it easier for you.
Any questions or worries, please email me.
Have a good week and I look forward to speaking to you all again over the next two weeks.
Miss Pienaar